Host Configuration#

By default, Buildarr will look for a single instance at http://radarr:7878. Most configurations are different, and to accommodate those, you can configure how Buildarr connects to individual Radarr instances.

Configuration of a single Radarr instance:

  hostname: ""
  port: 7878
  protocol: "http"

Configuration of multiple instances:

  # Configuration and settings common to all instances.
  port: 7878
    # Radarr instance 1-specific configuration.
      hostname: ""
    # Radarr instance 2-specific configuration.
      hostname: ""
      api_key: "..." # Explicitly define API key
hostname: NonEmptyStr = 'radarr' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Hostname of the Radarr instance to connect to.

When defining a single instance using the global radarr configuration block, the default hostname is radarr.

When using multiple instance-specific configurations, the default hostname is the name given to the instance in the instances attribute.

    radarr1: # <--- This becomes the default hostname
port: Port = 7878 class-attribute instance-attribute #

Port number of the Radarr instance to connect to.

protocol: RadarrProtocol = 'http' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Communication protocol to use to connect to Radarr.


  • http
  • https
url_base: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The URL path the Radarr instance API is available under, if behind a reverse proxy.

API URLs are rendered like this: <protocol>://<hostname>:<port><url_base>/api/v3/...

When unset, the URL root will be used as the API endpoint (e.g. <protocol>://<hostname>:<port>/api/v3/...).

Added in version 0.2.3.

api_key: Optional[ArrApiKey] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

API key to use to authenticate with the Radarr instance.

If undefined or set to null, automatically retrieve the API key. This can only be done on Radarr instances with authentication disabled.

If authentication is enabled on the Radarr instance, this field is required.

version: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The expected version of the Radarr instance. If undefined or set to null, the version is auto-detected.

This value is also used when generating a Docker Compose file. When undefined or set to null, the version tag will be set to latest.

image: NonEmptyStr = '' class-attribute instance-attribute #

The default Docker image URI to use when generating a Docker Compose file.

settings: RadarrSettings = RadarrSettings() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Radarr application settings.

Configuration options for Radarr itself are set within this structure.