
Prowlarr syncs indexer configuration with connected applications, and performs requests to the indexer on the application's behalf.

Buildarr makes configuring these applications easier through instance links.

By installing the Buildarr plugin for the application (e.g. Sonarr) alongside the Prowlarr plugin, you can manage the instances using a single Buildarr instance, and link them together so that you don't need to supply certain parameters multiple times, e.g. the API key.

Buildarr will also intelligently manage updates so that the connected application instance is updated before the Prowlarr instance, to ensure state is consistent at each update stage.


    "Sonarr": {}  # Define instance configuration.

            type: "sonarr"
            instance_name: "Sonarr"
            prowlarr_url: "http://prowlarr:9696"
            base_url: "http://sonarr:8989"
              - "anime"

If the application does not have a Buildarr plugin, they can also be configured without instance links by supplying the required parameters.

            type: "radarr"
            api_key: "1a2b3c4d5e6f1a2b3c4d5e6f1a2b3c4d"
            prowlarr_url: "http://prowlarr:9696"
            base_url: "http://radarr:7878"
            sync_level: "add-and-remove-only"
              - "Movies/UHD"
              - "Movies/HD"
              - "Movies/SD"
              - "Movies/3D"
              - "Movies/BluRay"
              - "Movies/DVD"
              - "Movies/WEB-DL"
              - "Movies/Foreign"
              - "Movies/Other"
              - "movies"

For more information on configuring application links in Prowlarr, refer to the guide for applications on WikiArr.

delete_unmanaged: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Automatically delete application links not configured in Buildarr.

Take care when enabling this option, as this can remove connections automatically managed by other applications.

definitions: Dict[str, Annotated[ApplicationType, Field(discriminator='type')]] = {} class-attribute instance-attribute #

Application link definitions to configure in Prowlarr.


Prowlarr application links have the following common configuration attributes.

prowlarr_url: AnyHttpUrl instance-attribute #

Prowlarr server URL as the target application sees it, including http[s]://, port, and URL base (if needed).

This attribute is required, even for applications with instance links.

base_url: AnyHttpUrl instance-attribute #

URL that Prowlarr uses to connect to the target application server, including http[s]://, port, and URL base (if needed).

This attribute is required, even for applications with instance links.

sync_level: SyncLevel = SyncLevel.add_and_remove_only class-attribute instance-attribute #

Configures when Prowlarr will sync indexer configuration with the application.


  • disable (Do not sync indexers with the application)
  • add-and-remove-only (Sync when indexers are added or removed)
  • full-sync (Sync all indexer changes to the application)
sync_categories: Set[LowerCaseNonEmptyStr] instance-attribute #

Categories of content to sync with the target application.

Each type of application has individually set default values.

Note that only categories supported by the application will actually be used.

tags: Set[NonEmptyStr] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Prowlarr tags to assign to this application.

This is used to associate the application with indexers.


Add a LazyLibrarian instance to sync with Prowlarr.

type: Literal['lazylibrarian', 'lazylibrary'] = 'lazylibrarian' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Type value associated with this kind of application.

api_key: Password instance-attribute #

API key used to access the target instance.

sync_categories: Set[LowerCaseNonEmptyStr] = {'Books/Mags', 'Books/EBook', 'Books/Comics', 'Books/Technical', 'Books/Other', 'Books/Foreign'} class-attribute instance-attribute #

Default sync category values for this application type.


Add a Lidarr instance to sync with Prowlarr.

type: Literal['lidarr'] = 'lidarr' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Type value associated with this kind of application.

api_key: Password instance-attribute #

API key used to access the target instance.

sync_categories: Set[LowerCaseNonEmptyStr] = {'Audio/MP3', 'Audio/Audiobook', 'Audio/Lossless', 'Audio/Other', 'Audio/Foreign'} class-attribute instance-attribute #

Default sync category values for this application type.

sync_reject_blocklisted_torrent_hashes: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Enable syncing the "Reject Blocklisted Torrent Hashes While Grabbing" indexer option to the target application.

If a torrent is blocked by hash it may not properly be rejected during RSS/Search for some indexers, enabling this will allow it to be rejected after the torrent is grabbed, but before it is sent to the client.

Available in Prowlarr v1.15 and above.

New in version 0.5.3.


Add a Mylar instance to sync with Prowlarr.

type: Literal['mylar'] = 'mylar' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Type value associated with this kind of application.

api_key: Password instance-attribute #

API key used to access the target instance.

sync_categories: Set[LowerCaseNonEmptyStr] = {'Books/Comics'} class-attribute instance-attribute #

Default sync category values for this application type.


Add a Radarr instance to sync with Prowlarr.


There is a Radarr plugin for Buildarr that can be used to link Radarr instances with Prowlarr using the instance_name attribute.

type: Literal['radarr'] = 'radarr' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Type value associated with this kind of application.

instance_name: Optional[InstanceName] = Field(None, plugin='radarr') class-attribute instance-attribute #

The name of the Radarr instance within Buildarr, if adding a Buildarr-defined Radarr instance to this Prowlarr instance.

api_key: Optional[SecretStr] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

API key used to access the target Radarr instance.

If a Radarr instance managed by Buildarr is not referenced using instance_name, this attribute is required.

sync_categories: Set[LowerCaseNonEmptyStr] = {'Movies/Foreign', 'Movies/Other', 'Movies/SD', 'Movies/HD', 'Movies/UHD', 'Movies/BluRay', 'Movies/3D', 'Movies/DVD', 'Movies/WEB-DL'} class-attribute instance-attribute #

Default sync category values for this application type.

sync_reject_blocklisted_torrent_hashes: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Enable syncing the "Reject Blocklisted Torrent Hashes While Grabbing" indexer option to the target application.

If a torrent is blocked by hash it may not properly be rejected during RSS/Search for some indexers, enabling this will allow it to be rejected after the torrent is grabbed, but before it is sent to the client.

Available in Prowlarr v1.15 and above.

New in version 0.5.3.


Add a Readarr instance to sync with Prowlarr.

type: Literal['readarr'] = 'readarr' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Type value associated with this kind of application.

api_key: Password instance-attribute #

API key used to access the target instance.

sync_categories: Set[LowerCaseNonEmptyStr] = {'Audio/Audiobook', 'Books/Mags', 'Books/EBook', 'Books/Comics', 'Books/Technical', 'Books/Other', 'Books/Foreign'} class-attribute instance-attribute #

Default sync category values for this application type.

sync_reject_blocklisted_torrent_hashes: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Enable syncing the "Reject Blocklisted Torrent Hashes While Grabbing" indexer option to the target application.

If a torrent is blocked by hash it may not properly be rejected during RSS/Search for some indexers, enabling this will allow it to be rejected after the torrent is grabbed, but before it is sent to the client.

Available in Prowlarr v1.15 and above.

New in version 0.5.3.


Add a Sonarr instance to sync with Prowlarr.


There is a Sonarr plugin for Buildarr that can be used to link Sonarr instances with Prowlarr using the instance_name attribute.

type: Literal['sonarr'] = 'sonarr' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Type value associated with this kind of application.

instance_name: Optional[InstanceName] = Field(None, plugin='sonarr') class-attribute instance-attribute #

The name of the Sonarr instance within Buildarr, if adding a Buildarr-defined Sonarr instance to this Prowlarr instance.

api_key: Optional[SecretStr] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

API key used to access the target Sonarr instance.

If a Sonarr instance managed by Buildarr is not referenced using instance_name, this attribute is required.

sync_categories: Set[LowerCaseNonEmptyStr] = {'TV/WEB-DL', 'TV/Foreign', 'TV/SD', 'TV/HD', 'TV/UHD', 'TV/Other'} class-attribute instance-attribute #

Default sync category values for this application type.

anime_sync_categories: Set[LowerCaseNonEmptyStr] = {'TV/Anime'} class-attribute instance-attribute #

Categories of content for sync with the target application, classified as anime.

Note that only categories supported by the application will actually be used.

Enable searching using anime standard episode numbering for the Sonarr instance.

New in version 0.4.0.

sync_reject_blocklisted_torrent_hashes: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Enable syncing the "Reject Blocklisted Torrent Hashes While Grabbing" indexer option to the target application.

If a torrent is blocked by hash it may not properly be rejected during RSS/Search for some indexers, enabling this will allow it to be rejected after the torrent is grabbed, but before it is sent to the client.

Available in Prowlarr v1.15 and above.

New in version 0.5.3.


Add a Whisparr instance to sync with Prowlarr.

type: Literal['whisparr'] = 'whisparr' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Type value associated with this kind of application.

api_key: Password instance-attribute #

API key used to access the target instance.

sync_categories: Set[LowerCaseNonEmptyStr] = {'XXX/DVD', 'XXX/WMV', 'XXX/XviD', 'XXX/x264', 'XXX/Pack', 'XXX/Other', 'XXX/SD', 'XXX/WEB-DL'} class-attribute instance-attribute #

Default sync category values for this application type.

sync_reject_blocklisted_torrent_hashes: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Enable syncing the "Reject Blocklisted Torrent Hashes While Grabbing" indexer option to the target application.

If a torrent is blocked by hash it may not properly be rejected during RSS/Search for some indexers, enabling this will allow it to be rejected after the torrent is grabbed, but before it is sent to the client.

Available in Prowlarr v1.15 and above.

New in version 0.5.3.