Indexer Proxies#

Prowlarr supports making indexer search requests through proxies.

This is often used to get around ISP-level blocking of indexer sites, or to resolve ingress traffic protection measures such as CloudFlare.

For more information on configuring indexer proxies, refer to this guide on WikiArr.

delete_unmanaged: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Automatically delete indexer proxies not configured in Buildarr.

If unsure, leave set to the default of false.

definitions: Dict[str, Annotated[ProxyType, Field(discriminator='type')]] = {} class-attribute instance-attribute #

Define indexer proxy definitions here.

Configuring indexer proxies#

In Buildarr, indexer proxies are defined as in the following example:

            type: "flaresolverr"
            host_url: "http://flaresolverr:8191/"
            request_timeout: 60.0
              - "anime"

The type attribute denotes what type of proxy to manage.

The following attributes are common to all proxy types:

tags: Set[NonEmptyStr] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Prowlarr tags to associate this indexer proxy with.

When set, indexers with at least one matching tag will use this proxy. If unset or empty, all indexers will use this proxy.


Bypass CloudFlare and DDoS-GUARD protection using FlareSolverr.

type: Literal['flaresolverr'] = 'flaresolverr' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Type value associated with this kind of proxy.

host_url: AnyHttpUrl instance-attribute #

Host URL to connect to the Flaresolverr instance, from the Prowlarr instance's persective.

request_timeout: PositiveInt = 60 class-attribute instance-attribute #

Timeout for requests sent to FlareSolverr, in seconds.

HTTP proxy#

Send indexer requests through a HTTP proxy.

type: Literal['http'] = 'http' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Type value associated with this kind of proxy.

hostname: NonEmptyStr instance-attribute #

Hostname of the proxy server.

port: Port = 8080 class-attribute instance-attribute #

Access port for the proxy.

username: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Username used to authenticate with the proxy, if required.

password: Optional[SecretStr] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Password used to authenticate with the proxy, if required.

SOCKS4 proxy#

Send indexer requests through a SOCKS version 4 proxy.


SOCKS4 does not support full username-based authentication, even though Prowlarr exposes the configuration attribbutes.

If you would like to secure your proxy server, upgrade to SOCKS5 or switch to using an HTTP proxy.

type: Literal['socks4'] = 'socks4' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Type value associated with this kind of proxy.

hostname: NonEmptyStr instance-attribute #

Hostname of the proxy server.

port: Port = 1080 class-attribute instance-attribute #

Access port for the proxy.

username: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Username used to authenticate with the proxy, if required.

password: Optional[SecretStr] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Password used to authenticate with the proxy, if required.

SOCKS5 proxy#

Send indexer requests through a SOCKS version 5 proxy.

type: Literal['socks5'] = 'socks5' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Type value associated with this kind of proxy.

hostname: NonEmptyStr instance-attribute #

Hostname of the proxy server.

port: Port = 1080 class-attribute instance-attribute #

Access port for the proxy.

username: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Username used to authenticate with the proxy, if required.

password: Optional[SecretStr] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Password used to authenticate with the proxy, if required.