Host Configuration#

By default, Buildarr will look for a single instance at http://jellyseerr:5055. Most configurations are different, and to accommodate those, you can configure how Buildarr connects to individual Jellyseerr instances.

Configuration of a single Jellyseerr instance:

  hostname: ""
  port: 5055
  protocol: "http"
  api_key: "..." # API key is required.

Configuration of multiple instances:

  # Configuration and settings common to all instances.
  port: 5055
    # Jellyseerr instance 1-specific configuration.
      hostname: ""
      api_key: "..." # API key is required.
    # Jellyseerr instance 2-specific configuration.
      hostname: ""
      api_key: "..." # API key is required.
hostname: NonEmptyStr = 'jellyseerr' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Hostname of the Jellyseerr instance to connect to.

When defining a single instance using the global jellyseerr configuration block, the default hostname is jellyseerr.

When using multiple instance-specific configurations, the default hostname is the name given to the instance in the instances attribute.

    jellyseerr1: # <--- This becomes the default hostname
port: Port = 5055 class-attribute instance-attribute #

Port number of the Jellyseerr instance to connect to.

protocol: JellyseerrProtocol = 'http' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Communication protocol to use to connect to Jellyseerr.


  • http
  • https
url_base: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The URL path the Jellyseerr instance API is available under, if behind a reverse proxy.

API URLs are rendered like this: <protocol>://<hostname>:<port><url_base>/api/v1/...

When unset, the URL root will be used as the API endpoint (e.g. <protocol>://<hostname>:<port>/api/v1/...).

Added in version 0.3.1.

api_key: Optional[JellyseerrApiKey] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

API key to use to authenticate with the Jellyseerr instance.

This attribute is required. Buildarr is unable to automatically fetch the Jellyseerr API key.

version: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The expected version of the Jellyseerr instance. If undefined or set to None, the version is auto-detected.

This value is also used when generating a Docker Compose file. When undefined or set to None, the version tag will be set to latest.

image: NonEmptyStr = 'fallenbagel/jellyseerr' class-attribute instance-attribute #

The default Docker image URI when generating a Docker Compose file.

settings: JellyseerrSettings = JellyseerrSettings() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Jellyseerr settings. Configuration options for Jellyseerr itself are set within this structure.