
Quality definitions are used to set the permitted bit rates for each quality level.

These can either be set manually within Buildarr, or pre-made profiles can be imported from TRaSH-Guides.

      trash_id: "bef99584217af744e404ed44a33af589" # series
        Bluray-480p: # "Quality" column name (not "Title")
          min: 2
          max: 100
        # Add additional override quality definitions here

Quality definition profiles retrieved from TRaSH-Guides are automatically kept up to date by Buildarr, with the latest values being pushed to Sonarr on an update run.

For more information, refer to the guides from WikiArr and TRaSH-Guides.

trash_id: Optional[TrashID] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Trash ID of the TRaSH-Guides quality definition profile to load default values from.

If there is an update in the profile, the quality definitions will be updated accordingly.

definitions: Dict[str, QualityDefinition] = {} class-attribute instance-attribute #

Explicitly set quality definitions here.

The key of the definition is the "Quality" column of the Quality Definitions page in Sonarr, not "Title".

If trash_id is set, any values set here will override the default values provided from the TRaSH-Guides quality definition profile.

If trash_id is not set, only explicitly defined quality definitions are managed, and quality definitions not set within Buildarr are left unmodified.

Setting quality definitions#

Manually set quality definitions can have the following parameters.

title: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The name of the quality in the GUI.

If unset, set to an empty string or None, it will always be set to the name of the quality itself. (e.g. For the Bluray-480p quality, the GUI title will also be Bluray-480p)

min: float = Field(..., ge=0, le=QUALITYDEFINITION_MAX - 1) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The minimum Megabytes per Minute (MB/min) a quality can have. Must be set at least 1MB/min lower than max.

The minimum value is 0, and the maximum value is 399.

max: Optional[float] = Field(..., ge=1, le=QUALITYDEFINITION_MAX) class-attribute instance-attribute #

The maximum Megabytes per Minute (MB/min) a quality can have. Must be set at least 1MB/min higher than min.

If set to None or 400, the maximum bit rate will be unlimited.

If not set to None, the minimum value is 1, and the maximum value is 400.

TRaSH-Guides quality definition profiles#

TRaSH-Guides quality definition profiles for Sonarr are tracked here.

Trash IDs:

  • bef99584217af744e404ed44a33af589 (Series)
  • 387e6278d8e06083d813358762e0ac63 (Anime)