Quality Profiles#

Quality profiles determine the allowed quality levels for media, and the behaviour of how to upgrade media files if higher quality versions become available.

Within a quality profile you set upgrade settings, the maximum quality level to automatically upgrade media to, the allowed quality levels, and the priority given to those quality levels.

        # Set to `true` or `false` as desired. (Default `false`)
        delete_unmanaged: true
          # Add Quality profiles here.
          # The name of the block becomes the name of the quality profile.
            upgrades_allowed: true
            upgrade_until: "Bluray-1080p"
            # Highest priority quality first, lowest priority goes last.
              - "Bluray-480p"
              - "DVD"
              - name: "WEB 480p"
                  - "WEBDL-480p"
                  - "WEBRip-480p"
              - "SDTV"
          # Add additional quality profiles here as needed.

In Buildarr, quality profiles are defined using a dictonary structure. The quality levels listed in the qualities attribute are the qualities to enable, and are prioritised from first to last (top to bottom). Quality groups, where multiple qualities are given the same priority level, can also be defined.

General configuration#

Configuration parameters for controlling how Buildarr handles quality profiles.

delete_unmanaged: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Automatically delete quality profiles not defined in Buildarr.

Out of the box Sonarr provides some pre-defined quality profiles. Take care when enabling this option, as those will also be deleted.

definitions: Dict[str, QualityProfile] = {} class-attribute instance-attribute #

Define quality profiles to configure on Sonarr here.

If there are no quality profiles defined and delete_unmanaged is False, Buildarr will not modify existing quality profiles, but if delete_unmanaged is True, Buildarr will delete all existing profiles. Be careful when using delete_unmanaged.

Creating a quality profile#

The main things to consider when creating a quality profile are what quality settings to enable, and how to prioritise each.

      upgrades_allowed: true
      upgrade_until: "Bluray-1080p"
      - "Bluray-480p"
      - "DVD"
      - name: "WEB 480p"
          - "WEBDL-480p"
          - "WEBRip-480p"
      - "SDTV"

In Buildarr, the quality listed first (at the top) is given the highest priority, with subsequent qualities given lower priority. Qualities not explicitly defined are disabled (not downloaded).

Sonarr supports grouping multiple qualities together to give them the same priority. In Buildarr, these are expressed by giving a name to the group, and listing the qualities under the members attribute.

For more insight into reasonable values for quality profiles, refer to these guides from WikiArr and TRaSH-Guides (WEB-DL, anime).

upgrades_allowed: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Enable automatic upgrading if a higher quality version of the media file becomes available.

If disabled, media files will not be upgraded after they have been downloaded.

upgrade_until: Optional[NonEmptyStr] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The maximum quality level to upgrade an episode to. For a quality group, specify the group name.

Once this quality is reached Sonarr will no longer download episodes.

This attribute is required if upgrades_allowed is set to True.

qualities: Annotated[List[Union[NonEmptyStr, QualityGroup]], Field(min_items=1)] instance-attribute #

The qualities to enable downloading episodes for. The order determines the priority (highest priority first, lowest priority last).

Individual qualities can be specified using the name (e.g. Bluray-480p).

Qualities can also be grouped together in a structure to give them the same priority level. A new version of the episode will not be downloaded if it is at least one of the qualities listed in the group, until a higher quality version is found.

    - name: "WEB 480p"
        - "WEBDL-480p"
        - "WEBRip-480p"

At least one quality must be specified.