
General configuration for Sonarr are separated by category.

        bind_address: "*"
        port: 8989
        url_base: null
        instance_name: "Sonarr (Example)"
        authentication: "none"
        enable: false
        log_level: "INFO"
        send_anonymous_usage_data: false
        branch: "main"
        automatic: false
        mechanism: "docker"
        folder: "Backups"
        interval: 7
        retention: 28

Some of the settings may affect Buildarr's ability to connect with the Sonarr instance. Take care when changing these settings.


Sonarr instance connection and name configuration.

Many of these settings configure Sonarr's external connection interface. If they are changed, the settings Buildarr uses to connect with this Sonarr instance may need to be updated, so take care when modifying them.

Changing any of these settings require a restart of Sonarr to take effect.

bind_address: Union[Literal['*'], IPv4Address] = '*' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Bind address for Sonarr. Set to an IPv4 address bound to a local interface or * to bind on all interfaces.

Unless you run Sonarr directly on a host machine (i.e. not via Docker) and want Sonarr to only be available on a specific network or interface, this generally should be left untouched.

port: Port = 8989 class-attribute instance-attribute #

Unencrypted (HTTP) listening port for Sonarr.

If Sonarr is being run via Docker in the default bridge mode, this setting shouldn't be changed. Instead, change the external port it is bound to using --publish <port number>:8989.

ssl_port: Port = 9898 class-attribute instance-attribute #

Encrypted (HTTPS) listening port for Sonarr.

If Sonarr is being run via Docker in the default bridge mode, this setting shouldn't be changed. Instead, change the external port it is bound to using --publish <port number>:9898.

use_ssl: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Enable the encrypted (HTTPS) listening port in Sonarr. As Sonarr only supports self-signed certificates, it is recommended to put Sonarr behind a HTTPS-terminating reverse proxy such as Nginx, Caddy or Traefik.

url_base: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Add a prefix to all Sonarr URLs, e.g. http://localhost:8989/<url_base>/settings/general.

Generally used to accommodate reverse proxies where Sonarr is assigned to a subfolder, e.g.

instance_name: NonEmptyStr = 'Sonarr' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Instance name in the browser tab and in syslog.


Sonarr instance security (authentication) settings.

authentication: AuthenticationMethod = AuthenticationMethod.none class-attribute instance-attribute #

Authentication method for logging into Sonarr. By default, do not require authentication.


  • none - No authentication
  • basic - Authentication using HTTP basic auth (browser popup)
  • form - Authentication using a login page

Requires a restart of Sonarr to take effect.

username: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Username for the administrator user. Required if authentication is enabled.

Requires a restart of Sonarr to take effect.

password: Optional[Password] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Password for the administrator user. Required if authentication is enabled.

Requires a restart of Sonarr to take effect.

certificate_validation: CertificateValidation = CertificateValidation.enabled class-attribute instance-attribute #

Change how strict HTTPS certification validation is. Do not change unless you understand the risks.


  • enabled - Validate HTTPS certificates for all hosts
  • local-disabled - Disable HTTPS certificate validation for hosts on the local network
  • disabled - Disable HTTPS certificate validation completely


Proxy configuration for Sonarr.

enable: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Use a proxy server to access the Internet.

proxy_type: ProxyType = ProxyType.http class-attribute instance-attribute #

Type of proxy to connect to.


  • http - HTTP(S) proxy
  • socks4 - SOCKSv4 proxy
  • socks5 - SOCKSv5 proxy (Tor is supported)
hostname: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Proxy server hostname.

Required if using a proxy is enabled.

port: Port = 8080 class-attribute instance-attribute #

Proxy server access port.

username: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Username to authenticate with. Only enter if authentication is required by the proxy.

password: Optional[Password] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Password for the proxy user. Only enter if authentication is required by the proxy.

ignored_addresses: Set[NonEmptyStr] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

List of domains/addresses which bypass the proxy. Wildcards (*) are supported.

bypass_proxy_for_local_addresses: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute #

Do not use the proxy to access local network addresses.


Logging configuration for the Sonarr application.

log_level: SonarrLogLevel = SonarrLogLevel.INFO class-attribute instance-attribute #

Verbosity of logging output.


  • INFO - Standard log output
  • DEBUG - Debugging log output
  • TRACE - Trace diagnostics log output


Configuration of analytics and telemetry from within Sonarr.

send_anonymous_usage_data: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute #

Send anonymous usage and error information to Sonarr's servers.

This includes information on your browser, which Sonarr Web UI pages you use, error reporting and OS/runtime versions. This information is reportedly used to prioritise features and bug fixes.

Requires a restart of Sonarr to take effect.


Settings for updating Sonarr.

branch: NonEmptyStr = 'main' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Branch used by the external update mechanism. Changing this value has no effect on Docker installations.

If unsure, leave this undefined in Buildarr and use the value already set in Sonarr.

automatic: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Automatically download and install updates. Manual updates can still be performed from System -> Updates.

This option must be left set to false on Docker installations.

mechanism: UpdateMechanism = UpdateMechanism.docker class-attribute instance-attribute #

Set the mechanism for updating Sonarr. Must be set to docker on Docker installations.


  • builtin - Sonarr built-in updater mechanism
  • script - Use the configured update script
  • external - External update mechanism
  • apt - Debian APT package
  • docker - Docker image
script_path: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Path to a custom script that takes an extracted update package and handles the remainder of the update process.

Required if mechanism is set to script.


Settings for Sonarr automatic backups.

folder: NonEmptyStr = 'Backups' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Folder to backup Sonarr data to.

Relative paths will be under Sonarr's AppData directory.

interval: int = Field(7, ge=1, le=7) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Interval between automatic backups, in days.

Must be set somewhere between 1 and 7 days.

retention: int = Field(28, ge=1, le=90) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Retention period for backups, in days. Backups older than the retention period will be cleaned up automatically.

Must be set somewhere between 1 and 90 days.