Quality Profiles#

Quality profiles are used by Radarr as the guideline for desired quality when searching for releases.

When media is requested for download in Radarr, the user selects a quality profile to use. Once all available releases have been found, the release that most closely matches the quality profile will be selected for download.

With a quality profile you can prioritise media releases by the desired quality level, arbitrary conditions using custom formats, or language. Parameters for upgrading existing media to higher quality versions are also defined here.

        delete_unmanaged: false
          # Add Quality profiles here.
          # The name of the block becomes the name of the quality profile.
            upgrades_allowed: true
            upgrade_until_quality: Bluray-1080p
              - Bluray-1080p  # Quality definition name.
              - name: WEB 1080p  # Group quality definitions of equal priority.
                  - WEBRip-1080p
                -   WEBDL-1080p
              - Bluray-720p
              - name: WEB 720p
                  - WEBRip-720p
                  - WEBDL-720p
              - Bluray-576p
              - Bluray-480p
              - name: WEB 480p
                  - WEBRip-480p
                  - WEBDL-480p
              - name: DVD-Video
                  - DVD-R
                  - DVD
            minimum_custom_format_score: 0
            upgrade_until_custom_format_score: 10000
              - name: remaster  # Use the `default_score` field in the custom format definition.
              - name: 4k-remaster
                score: 100  # Explicitly set score for the custom format in the profile.
            language: english

In Buildarr, quality profiles are defined using a dictonary structure, where the name of the definition becomes the name of the quality profile in Radarr.

delete_unmanaged: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Automatically delete quality profiles not defined in Buildarr.

Out of the box Radarr provides some pre-defined quality profiles. If there are no quality profiles defined in Buildarr and delete_unmanaged is true, Buildarr will delete all existing profiles. Be careful when using delete_unmanaged.

definitions: Dict[str, QualityProfile] = {} class-attribute instance-attribute #

Define quality profiles to configure on Radarr here.

Creating a quality profile#

A basic quality profile looks something like this.

        upgrades_allowed: true
        upgrade_until_quality: Bluray-480p
          - Bluray-480p
          - DVD
          - name: WEB 480p
              - WEBDL-480p
              - WEBRip-480p
          - name: remaster
            score: 0
        language: english

For more insight into reasonable values for quality profiles, refer to these guides from WikiArr and TRaSH-Guides (general, anime).

upgrades_allowed: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Enable automatic upgrading if a higher quality version of the media file becomes available.

If disabled, media files will not be upgraded after they have been downloaded.

Quality Levels#

Quality levels are used to prioritise media releases by resolution, bitrate and distribution method.

    - Bluray-480p
    - name: WEB 480p
        - WEBDL-480p
        - WEBRip-480p

In Buildarr, the quality listed first (at the top) is given the highest priority, with subsequent qualities given lower priority. Quality levels not explicitly defined are disabled (not downloaded).

Radarr supports grouping multiple qualities together to give them the same priority. In Buildarr, these are expressed by giving a name to the group, and listing the member quality levels under the members attribute.

For details on the available quality levels, refer to this guide on WikiArr.

upgrade_until_quality: Optional[NonEmptyStr] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The maximum quality level (or quality group) to upgrade a movie to.

Once this quality is reached, Radarr will no longer upgrade movie releases based on quality level.

This attribute is required if upgrades_allowed is set to true.

qualities: Annotated[List[Union[NonEmptyStr, QualityGroup]], Field(min_items=1)] instance-attribute #

The quality levels (or quality groups) to enable downloading releases for. The order determines the priority (highest priority first, lowest priority last).

At least one quality level must be specified.

Custom Formats#

Custom formats allow for finer control of filtering and prioritising media releases.

Once you have created the custom formats you want to apply in the Custom Formats section, you can assign a score under the for that custom format within the context of the quality profile, using the custom_formats attribute.

        upgrades_allowed: true
        upgrade_until_quality: Bluray-1080p
          - Bluray-1080p
          - name: WEB 1080p
              - WEBDL-1080p
              - WEBRip-1080p
        minimum_custom_format_score: 0
        upgrade_until_custom_format_score: 10000
          # Wanted
          - name: remaster
            score: 25
          - name: 4k-remaster
            # If `score` is unset, use `default_score` as defined in the Buildarr custom format definition.
            # score: 25
          # Unwanted
          - name: br-disk
            score: -10000  # Inverse of maximum allowed score, to ensure it is never selected.
          - name: lq
            score: -10000
          - name: 3d
            score: -10000
        language: english

If a release matches that custom format, it is applied to the release, i.e. the score associated with it is added to the total for that release.

If the assigned score is positive, it will increase the priority of the release, while if it is negative, it will decrease the priority. The sum of all applied custom format scores determines the priority of the release (higher is better).

Custom formats that exist but have not been assigned a score, or assigned a score of 0, are still evaluated against releases, but are purely informational in nature and do not influence release selection.


The following settings control how custom formats are applied to the quality profile.

minimum_custom_format_score: int = 0 class-attribute instance-attribute #

The minimum sum of custom format scores matching a release for the release to be considered for download.

If the score sum is below this number, it will not be downloaded.

upgrade_until_custom_format_score: int = 0 class-attribute instance-attribute #

The maximum sum of custom format scores to upgrade a movie to.

Once this number is reached, Radarr will no longer upgrade movie releases based on custom format score.

This must be greater than or equal to minimum_custom_format_score.

Score Definitions#

Custom format score definitions in quality profiles can have the following attributes assigned to them.

name: NonEmptyStr instance-attribute #

The name of the custom format to assign a score to. Required.

score: Optional[int] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The score to add to the release if the custom format is applied.

If not defined, Buildarr will use the default_score attribute from the custom format definition. This allows for defining a common score for a custom format shared between multiple quality profiles.

If default_score is not defined, the score will be set to 0 (ignore this custom format).


Quality profiles also allow for explicit filtering by media language.

Prioritisation based on language (e.g. prefer Japanese but also allow English), however, should be done using custom formats.

language: NonEmptyStr = 'english' class-attribute instance-attribute #

The desired media language, written in English.

Use the any keyword to allow any language. Use the original keyword to require the original language of the media.

All languages supported by your Radarr instance version can be defined here.


When prioritising by language using custom formats, this attribute should be set to any.


  • english
  • portuguese-brazil