

Instead of manually configuring indexers for each of your Radarr instances, it is highly recommended to setup a Prowlarr indexer manager, and manage it using the Prowlarr plugin for Buildarr.

This is particularly convenient when managing more than one Radarr instance.

When managing indexers using Prowlarr, do not add any indexer definitions to this Radarr instance in Buildarr, and ensure delete_unmanaged is set to false.

Indexers are used to monitor for new releases of media on external trackers. When a suitable release has been found, Radarr registers it for download on one of the configured download clients.

      minimum_age: 0  # minutes
      retention: 0  # days
      maximum_size: 0  # MB
      rss_sync_interval: 15  # minutes
      delete_unmanaged: false  # Better to leave off for the most part.
        Nyaa:  # Indexer name
          type: nyaa  # Type of indexer
          enable_rss: true
          enable_automatic_search: true
          enable_interactive_search: true
          indexer_priority: 25
          download_client: null
            - anime-movies

The following parameters are available for configuring indexers and how they are handled by Radarr.

For more information on how Radarr finds movies, refer to the FAQ on WikiArr.

minimum_age: int = Field(0, ge=0) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Minimum age (in minutes) of NZBs before they are grabbed. Applies to Usenet only.

Use this to give new releases time to propagate to your Usenet provider.

retention: int = Field(0, ge=0) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Retention of releases (in days). Applies to Usenet only.

Set to 0 for unlimited retention.

maximum_size: int = Field(0, ge=0) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Maximum size for a release to be grabbed, in megabytes (MB).

Set to 0 to set for unlimited size.

rss_sync_interval: int = Field(15, ge=0) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Interval (in minutes) to sync RSS feeds with indexers.

Set to 0 to disable syncing. WARNING: This also disables automatic release grabbing.

delete_unmanaged: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Automatically delete indexers not configured by Buildarr.

Take care when enabling this option, as it will also delete indexers created by external applications such as Prowlarr.

If unsure, leave set at the default of false.

definitions: Dict[str, Annotated[IndexerType, Field(discriminator='type')]] = {} class-attribute instance-attribute #

Indexers to manage via Buildarr are defined here.


Monitor for new releases on the private torrent tracker.

type: Literal['filelist'] = 'filelist' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Type value associated with this kind of indexer.

enable_rss: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute #

If enabled, use this indexer to watch for files that are wanted and missing or have not yet reached their cutoff.

If enabled, use this indexer for automatic searches, including Search on Add.

If enabled, use this indexer for manual interactive searches.

priority: int = Field(25, ge=1, le=50) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Priority of this indexer to prefer one indexer over another in release tiebreaker scenarios.

1 is highest priority and 50 is lowest priority.

download_client: Optional[NonEmptyStr] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The name of the download client to use for grabs from this indexer.

If unset, use any compatible download client.

tags: Set[NonEmptyStr] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Only monitor releases that match at least one of the defined tags.

If unset, monitor all releases using this indexer.

minimum_seeders: PositiveInt = 1 class-attribute instance-attribute #

The minimum number of seeders required before downloading a release.

required_flags: Set[NonEmptyStr] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Require one or more indexer flags to be set on candidate releases.

If the required flags are not set, the release will be rejected.

All values supported by your Radarr instance version can be defined. As of Radarr v4.7.5, the following flags are available:

  • g-freeleech
  • g-halfleech
  • g-doubleupload
  • ptp-golden
  • ptp-approved
  • hdb-internal
  • ahd-internal
  • g-scene
  • g-freeleech75
  • g-freeleech25
  • ahd-userrelease
seed_ratio: Optional[float] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The seed ratio a torrent should reach before stopping.

If unset or set to null, use the download client's defaults.

seed_time: Optional[int] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The amount of time (in minutes) a torrent should be seeded before stopping.

If unset or set to null, use the download client's defaults.

base_url: AnyHttpUrl = '' class-attribute instance-attribute #

FileList API URL.

Do not change this unless you know what you're doing, as your API key will be sent to this host.

username: NonEmptyStr instance-attribute #

FileList username.

passkey: Password instance-attribute #

FileList account API key.

categories: Set[FilelistCategory] = {FilelistCategory.MOVIES_HD, FilelistCategory.MOVIES_SD, FilelistCategory.MOVIES_4K} class-attribute instance-attribute #

Categories to monitor for standard/daily show new releases.

Set to an empty list to not monitor for standard/daily shows.


  • Movies SD
  • Movies DVD
  • Movies DVD-RO
  • Movies HD
  • Movies HD-RO
  • Movies 4K
  • Movies Blu-Ray
  • Movies 4K Blu-Ray
  • Movies 3D
  • XXX
tags: Set[NonEmptyStr] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Only monitor releases that match at least one of the defined tags.

If unset, monitor all releases using this indexer.


Monitor for new releases on the HDBits private torrent tracker.

type: Literal['hdbits'] = 'hdbits' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Type value associated with this kind of indexer.

enable_rss: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute #

If enabled, use this indexer to watch for files that are wanted and missing or have not yet reached their cutoff.

If enabled, use this indexer for automatic searches, including Search on Add.

If enabled, use this indexer for manual interactive searches.

priority: int = Field(25, ge=1, le=50) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Priority of this indexer to prefer one indexer over another in release tiebreaker scenarios.

1 is highest priority and 50 is lowest priority.

download_client: Optional[NonEmptyStr] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The name of the download client to use for grabs from this indexer.

If unset, use any compatible download client.

minimum_seeders: PositiveInt = 1 class-attribute instance-attribute #

The minimum number of seeders required before downloading a release.

required_flags: Set[NonEmptyStr] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Require one or more indexer flags to be set on candidate releases.

If the required flags are not set, the release will be rejected.

All values supported by your Radarr instance version can be defined. As of Radarr v4.7.5, the following flags are available:

  • g-freeleech
  • g-halfleech
  • g-doubleupload
  • ptp-golden
  • ptp-approved
  • hdb-internal
  • ahd-internal
  • g-scene
  • g-freeleech75
  • g-freeleech25
  • ahd-userrelease
seed_ratio: Optional[float] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The seed ratio a torrent should reach before stopping.

If unset or set to null, use the download client's defaults.

seed_time: Optional[int] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The amount of time (in minutes) a torrent should be seeded before stopping.

If unset or set to null, use the download client's defaults.

base_url: AnyHttpUrl = '' class-attribute instance-attribute #


Do not change this unless you know what you're doing, as your API key will be sent to this host.

username: NonEmptyStr instance-attribute #

HDBits account username.

api_key: Password instance-attribute #

HDBits API key assigned to the account.

tags: Set[NonEmptyStr] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Only monitor releases that match at least one of the defined tags.

If unset, monitor all releases using this indexer.


Monitor for releases using the legacy API for the IPTorrents private torrent tracker.


IPTorrents' legacy API does not support automatic searching. It is recommended to instead configure IPTorrents as a Torznab indexer.

type: Literal['iptorrents'] = 'iptorrents' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Type value associated with this kind of indexer.

enable_rss: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute #

If enabled, use this indexer to watch for files that are wanted and missing or have not yet reached their cutoff.

If enabled, use this indexer for automatic searches, including Search on Add.

If enabled, use this indexer for manual interactive searches.

priority: int = Field(25, ge=1, le=50) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Priority of this indexer to prefer one indexer over another in release tiebreaker scenarios.

1 is highest priority and 50 is lowest priority.

download_client: Optional[NonEmptyStr] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The name of the download client to use for grabs from this indexer.

If unset, use any compatible download client.

minimum_seeders: PositiveInt = 1 class-attribute instance-attribute #

The minimum number of seeders required before downloading a release.

required_flags: Set[NonEmptyStr] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Require one or more indexer flags to be set on candidate releases.

If the required flags are not set, the release will be rejected.

All values supported by your Radarr instance version can be defined. As of Radarr v4.7.5, the following flags are available:

  • g-freeleech
  • g-halfleech
  • g-doubleupload
  • ptp-golden
  • ptp-approved
  • hdb-internal
  • ahd-internal
  • g-scene
  • g-freeleech75
  • g-freeleech25
  • ahd-userrelease
seed_ratio: Optional[float] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The seed ratio a torrent should reach before stopping.

If unset or set to null, use the download client's defaults.

seed_time: Optional[int] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The amount of time (in minutes) a torrent should be seeded before stopping.

If unset or set to null, use the download client's defaults.

feed_url: RssUrl instance-attribute #

The full RSS feed url generated by IPTorrents, using only the categories you selected (HD, SD, x264, etc ...).

tags: Set[NonEmptyStr] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Only monitor releases that match at least one of the defined tags.

If unset, monitor all releases using this indexer.


Monitor for new releases using a Newznab-compatible Usenet indexer.

type: Literal['newznab'] = 'newznab' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Type value associated with this kind of indexer.

enable_rss: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute #

If enabled, use this indexer to watch for files that are wanted and missing or have not yet reached their cutoff.

If enabled, use this indexer for automatic searches, including Search on Add.

If enabled, use this indexer for manual interactive searches.

priority: int = Field(25, ge=1, le=50) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Priority of this indexer to prefer one indexer over another in release tiebreaker scenarios.

1 is highest priority and 50 is lowest priority.

download_client: Optional[NonEmptyStr] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The name of the download client to use for grabs from this indexer.

If unset, use any compatible download client.

base_url: AnyHttpUrl instance-attribute #

URL of the Newznab-compatible indexing site.

api_path: NonEmptyStr = '/api' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Newznab API endpoint. Usually /api.

api_key: Password instance-attribute #

API key for use with the Newznab API.

categories: Set[Union[NabCategory, int]] = {NabCategory.MOVIES_FOREIGN, NabCategory.MOVIES_OTHER, NabCategory.MOVIES_SD, NabCategory.MOVIES_HD, NabCategory.MOVIES_UHD, NabCategory.MOVIES_BLURAY, NabCategory.MOVIES_3D} class-attribute instance-attribute #

Categories to monitor for release. Define as empty to disable.


  • Movies
  • Movies/Foreign
  • Movies/Other
  • Movies/SD
  • Movies/HD
  • Movies/UHD
  • Movies/BluRay
  • Movies/3D
  • Movies/DVD
  • Movies/WEB-DL
  • Movies/x265

Changed in version 0.2.1: The Radarr-native values for Newznab/Torznab categories (e.g. Movies/WEB-DL) can now be specified, instead of the Buildarr-native values (e.g. Movies-WEBDL). The old values can still be used.

remove_year: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

When set to true, excludes the release year of the media when searching the indexer.

additional_parameters: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Additional Newznab API parameters.

tags: Set[NonEmptyStr] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Only monitor releases that match at least one of the defined tags.

If unset, monitor all releases using this indexer.


Monitor for new releases on the configured Nyaa torrent tracker domain.

type: Literal['nyaa'] = 'nyaa' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Type value associated with this kind of indexer.

enable_rss: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute #

If enabled, use this indexer to watch for files that are wanted and missing or have not yet reached their cutoff.

If enabled, use this indexer for automatic searches, including Search on Add.

If enabled, use this indexer for manual interactive searches.

priority: int = Field(25, ge=1, le=50) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Priority of this indexer to prefer one indexer over another in release tiebreaker scenarios.

1 is highest priority and 50 is lowest priority.

download_client: Optional[NonEmptyStr] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The name of the download client to use for grabs from this indexer.

If unset, use any compatible download client.

minimum_seeders: PositiveInt = 1 class-attribute instance-attribute #

The minimum number of seeders required before downloading a release.

required_flags: Set[NonEmptyStr] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Require one or more indexer flags to be set on candidate releases.

If the required flags are not set, the release will be rejected.

All values supported by your Radarr instance version can be defined. As of Radarr v4.7.5, the following flags are available:

  • g-freeleech
  • g-halfleech
  • g-doubleupload
  • ptp-golden
  • ptp-approved
  • hdb-internal
  • ahd-internal
  • g-scene
  • g-freeleech75
  • g-freeleech25
  • ahd-userrelease
seed_ratio: Optional[float] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The seed ratio a torrent should reach before stopping.

If unset or set to null, use the download client's defaults.

seed_time: Optional[int] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The amount of time (in minutes) a torrent should be seeded before stopping.

If unset or set to null, use the download client's defaults.

additional_parameters: Optional[str] = '&cats=1_0&filter=1' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Parameters to send in the Nyaa search request.

Note that if you change the category, you will have to add required/restricted rules about the subgroups to avoid foreign language releases.

tags: Set[NonEmptyStr] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Only monitor releases that match at least one of the defined tags.

If unset, monitor all releases using this indexer.


Monitor for new releases using the PassThePopcorn private torrent tracker.

type: Literal['passthepopcorn'] = 'passthepopcorn' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Type value associated with this kind of indexer.

enable_rss: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute #

If enabled, use this indexer to watch for files that are wanted and missing or have not yet reached their cutoff.

If enabled, use this indexer for automatic searches, including Search on Add.

If enabled, use this indexer for manual interactive searches.

priority: int = Field(25, ge=1, le=50) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Priority of this indexer to prefer one indexer over another in release tiebreaker scenarios.

1 is highest priority and 50 is lowest priority.

download_client: Optional[NonEmptyStr] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The name of the download client to use for grabs from this indexer.

If unset, use any compatible download client.

minimum_seeders: PositiveInt = 1 class-attribute instance-attribute #

The minimum number of seeders required before downloading a release.

required_flags: Set[NonEmptyStr] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Require one or more indexer flags to be set on candidate releases.

If the required flags are not set, the release will be rejected.

All values supported by your Radarr instance version can be defined. As of Radarr v4.7.5, the following flags are available:

  • g-freeleech
  • g-halfleech
  • g-doubleupload
  • ptp-golden
  • ptp-approved
  • hdb-internal
  • ahd-internal
  • g-scene
  • g-freeleech75
  • g-freeleech25
  • ahd-userrelease
seed_ratio: Optional[float] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The seed ratio a torrent should reach before stopping.

If unset or set to null, use the download client's defaults.

seed_time: Optional[int] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The amount of time (in minutes) a torrent should be seeded before stopping.

If unset or set to null, use the download client's defaults.

base_url: AnyHttpUrl = '' class-attribute instance-attribute #

PassThePopcorn API URL.

Do not change this unless you know what you're doing, as your API key will be sent to this host.

api_user: NonEmptyStr instance-attribute #

The API user of the PassThePopcorn account, as shown in Edit Profile > Security.

api_key: Password instance-attribute #

PassThePopcorn API key associated with the account.

tags: Set[NonEmptyStr] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Only monitor releases that match at least one of the defined tags.

If unset, monitor all releases using this indexer.


Monitor for new releases using a legacy CouchPotato-compatible torrent tracker.

type: Literal['torrentpotato'] = 'torrentpotato' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Type value associated with this kind of indexer.

enable_rss: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute #

If enabled, use this indexer to watch for files that are wanted and missing or have not yet reached their cutoff.

If enabled, use this indexer for automatic searches, including Search on Add.

If enabled, use this indexer for manual interactive searches.

priority: int = Field(25, ge=1, le=50) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Priority of this indexer to prefer one indexer over another in release tiebreaker scenarios.

1 is highest priority and 50 is lowest priority.

download_client: Optional[NonEmptyStr] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The name of the download client to use for grabs from this indexer.

If unset, use any compatible download client.

minimum_seeders: PositiveInt = 1 class-attribute instance-attribute #

The minimum number of seeders required before downloading a release.

required_flags: Set[NonEmptyStr] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Require one or more indexer flags to be set on candidate releases.

If the required flags are not set, the release will be rejected.

All values supported by your Radarr instance version can be defined. As of Radarr v4.7.5, the following flags are available:

  • g-freeleech
  • g-halfleech
  • g-doubleupload
  • ptp-golden
  • ptp-approved
  • hdb-internal
  • ahd-internal
  • g-scene
  • g-freeleech75
  • g-freeleech25
  • ahd-userrelease
seed_ratio: Optional[float] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The seed ratio a torrent should reach before stopping.

If unset or set to null, use the download client's defaults.

seed_time: Optional[int] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The amount of time (in minutes) a torrent should be seeded before stopping.

If unset or set to null, use the download client's defaults.

base_url: AnyHttpUrl = '' class-attribute instance-attribute #

TorrentPotato indexer API URL.

username: NonEmptyStr instance-attribute #

TorrentPotato indexer username.

passkey: Password instance-attribute #

Password for the TorrentPotato indexer user.

tags: Set[NonEmptyStr] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Only monitor releases that match at least one of the defined tags.

If unset, monitor all releases using this indexer.

Torrent RSS Feed#

Monitor for new releases from a torrent tracker RSS feed.


This indexer does not support automatic searching. It is recommended to use an indexer that natively communicates with a tracker using an API.

type: Literal['torrent-rss', 'torrent-rss-feed', 'torrent_rss', 'torrent_rss_feed', 'torrentrss', 'torrentrssfeed'] = 'torrent-rss' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Type values associated with this kind of indexer.

enable_rss: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute #

If enabled, use this indexer to watch for files that are wanted and missing or have not yet reached their cutoff.

If enabled, use this indexer for automatic searches, including Search on Add.

If enabled, use this indexer for manual interactive searches.

priority: int = Field(25, ge=1, le=50) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Priority of this indexer to prefer one indexer over another in release tiebreaker scenarios.

1 is highest priority and 50 is lowest priority.

download_client: Optional[NonEmptyStr] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The name of the download client to use for grabs from this indexer.

If unset, use any compatible download client.

minimum_seeders: PositiveInt = 1 class-attribute instance-attribute #

The minimum number of seeders required before downloading a release.

required_flags: Set[NonEmptyStr] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Require one or more indexer flags to be set on candidate releases.

If the required flags are not set, the release will be rejected.

All values supported by your Radarr instance version can be defined. As of Radarr v4.7.5, the following flags are available:

  • g-freeleech
  • g-halfleech
  • g-doubleupload
  • ptp-golden
  • ptp-approved
  • hdb-internal
  • ahd-internal
  • g-scene
  • g-freeleech75
  • g-freeleech25
  • ahd-userrelease
seed_ratio: Optional[float] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The seed ratio a torrent should reach before stopping.

If unset or set to null, use the download client's defaults.

seed_time: Optional[int] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The amount of time (in minutes) a torrent should be seeded before stopping.

If unset or set to null, use the download client's defaults.

cookie: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Session cookie for accessing the RSS feed.

If the RSS feed requires one, this should be retrieved manually via a web browser.

allow_zero_size: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Allow access to releases that don't specify release size.

As size checks will not be performed, be careful when enabling this option.

tags: Set[NonEmptyStr] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Only monitor releases that match at least one of the defined tags.

If unset, monitor all releases using this indexer.


Monitor for new releases using a Torznab-compatible torrent tracker or indexer application.

type: Literal['torznab'] = 'torznab' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Type value associated with this kind of indexer.

enable_rss: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute #

If enabled, use this indexer to watch for files that are wanted and missing or have not yet reached their cutoff.

If enabled, use this indexer for automatic searches, including Search on Add.

If enabled, use this indexer for manual interactive searches.

priority: int = Field(25, ge=1, le=50) class-attribute instance-attribute #

Priority of this indexer to prefer one indexer over another in release tiebreaker scenarios.

1 is highest priority and 50 is lowest priority.

download_client: Optional[NonEmptyStr] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The name of the download client to use for grabs from this indexer.

If unset, use any compatible download client.

minimum_seeders: PositiveInt = 1 class-attribute instance-attribute #

The minimum number of seeders required before downloading a release.

required_flags: Set[NonEmptyStr] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Require one or more indexer flags to be set on candidate releases.

If the required flags are not set, the release will be rejected.

All values supported by your Radarr instance version can be defined. As of Radarr v4.7.5, the following flags are available:

  • g-freeleech
  • g-halfleech
  • g-doubleupload
  • ptp-golden
  • ptp-approved
  • hdb-internal
  • ahd-internal
  • g-scene
  • g-freeleech75
  • g-freeleech25
  • ahd-userrelease
seed_ratio: Optional[float] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The seed ratio a torrent should reach before stopping.

If unset or set to null, use the download client's defaults.

seed_time: Optional[int] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The amount of time (in minutes) a torrent should be seeded before stopping.

If unset or set to null, use the download client's defaults.

base_url: AnyHttpUrl instance-attribute #

URL of the Torznab-compatible indexing site.

api_path: NonEmptyStr = '/api' class-attribute instance-attribute #

Torznab API endpoint. Usually /api.

api_key: Password instance-attribute #

API key for use with the Torznab API.

categories: Set[Union[NabCategory, int]] = {NabCategory.MOVIES_FOREIGN, NabCategory.MOVIES_OTHER, NabCategory.MOVIES_SD, NabCategory.MOVIES_HD, NabCategory.MOVIES_UHD, NabCategory.MOVIES_BLURAY, NabCategory.MOVIES_3D} class-attribute instance-attribute #

Categories to monitor for standard/daily shows. Define as empty to disable.


  • Movies
  • Movies/Foreign
  • Movies/Other
  • Movies/SD
  • Movies/HD
  • Movies/UHD
  • Movies/BluRay
  • Movies/3D
  • Movies/DVD
  • Movies/WEB-DL
  • Movies/x265

Changed in version 0.2.1: The Radarr-native values for Newznab/Torznab categories (e.g. Movies/WEB-DL) can now be specified, instead of the Buildarr-native values (e.g. Movies-WEBDL). The old values can still be used.

remove_year: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

When set to true, excludes the release year of the media when searching the indexer.

additional_parameters: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Additional Torznab API parameters.

tags: Set[NonEmptyStr] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Only monitor releases that match at least one of the defined tags.

If unset, monitor all releases using this indexer.