
Jellyseerr relies on Sonarr for tracking, downloading and managing local copies of series (TV shows).

When a request is made for a series, Jellyseerr will add it to Sonarr.


At the time of release, Sonarr V4 is not fully supported by Jellyseerr, as Sonarr V4 does not have language profiles.

Buildarr does not support linking Jellyseerr instances with Sonarr V4 instances.

In Buildarr, Jellyseerr can be linked to one or more Sonarr instances via instance links, using the instance_name attribute. Jellyseerr can also have non-Buildarr managed Sonarr instances added to it by explicitly defining the API key used to connect to it.

A common usage pattern is having multiple Sonarr instances, one for non-4K series and another for 4K series:

            - "English"
      host: "localhost"
      port: 8989
      protocol: "http"
      api_key: "..."
            - "/data/media/shows/hd"
              "HD Series":
      host: "localhost"
      port: 8990
      protocol: "http"
      api_key: "..."
            - "/data/media/shows/4k"
              "4K Series":

      delete_unmanaged: false
        "Sonarr (HD)":
          is_default_server: true
          is_4k_server: false
          instance_name: "sonarr-hd"
          hostname: "localhost"
          port: 8989
          use_ssl: false
          root_folder: "/data/media/shows/hd"
          quality_profile: "HD Series"
          language_profile: "English"
          tags: []
          enable_season_folders: true
          enable_scan: false
          enable_automatic_search: true
        "Sonarr (4K)":
          is_default_server: true
          is_4k_server: true
          instance_name: "sonarr-4k"
          hostname: "localhost"
          port: 8990
          use_ssl: false
          root_folder: "/data/media/shows/4k"
          quality_profile: "4K Series"
          language_profile: "English"
          tags: []
          enable_season_folders: true
          enable_scan: false
          enable_automatic_search: true

For more information on configuring Sonarr instances in Jellyseerr, refer to this guide in the Overseerr documentation.

delete_unmanaged: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Automatically delete Sonarr instance links not configured in Buildarr.

If unsure, leave set to the default value of false.

definitions: Dict[str, Sonarr] = {} class-attribute instance-attribute #

Sonarr service definitions are defined here.


The following configuration attributes are available when adding a Sonarr instance to Jellyseerr.

is_default_server: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Set this server as a default server for this application type.

Up to two default servers can be set at a time: one for non-4K content, one for 4K content.

is_4k_server: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Use this server for managing 4K content.

instance_name: Optional[InstanceName] = Field(None, plugin='sonarr') class-attribute instance-attribute #

The name of the Sonarr instance within Buildarr, if linking this Sonarr instance with another Buildarr-defined Sonarr instance.

hostname: NonEmptyStr instance-attribute #

The hostname that Jellyseerr will use to connect to the server.

port: Port = 8989 class-attribute instance-attribute #

The communication port that the Sonarr server listens on.

use_ssl: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Connect to the server using HTTPS.

api_key: Optional[ArrApiKey] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

API key for the Sonarr server.

When not linking to a Buildarr-defined instance using instance_name, this attribute is required.

url_base: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

The URL base configured on the server, if it has one configured.

root_folder: NonEmptyStr instance-attribute #

Target root folder to use for series in Sonarr.

quality_profile: Union[NonEmptyStr, int] instance-attribute #

Quality profile to use for series in Sonarr.

language_profile: Union[NonEmptyStr, int] instance-attribute #

Quality profile to use for series in Sonarr.

tags: Set[Union[NonEmptyStr, int]] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Tags to assign to series in Sonarr.

anime_root_folder: Optional[Union[NonEmptyStr, int]] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Target root folder to use for series classified as anime in Sonarr.

anime_quality_profile: Optional[Union[NonEmptyStr, int]] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Quality profile to use for series classified as anime in Sonarr.

anime_language_profile: Optional[Union[NonEmptyStr, int]] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

Language profile to use for series classified as anime in Sonarr.

anime_tags: Set[Union[NonEmptyStr, int]] = set() class-attribute instance-attribute #

Tags to assign to series classified as anime in Sonarr.

enable_season_folders: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Sort series into subfolders for each season.

external_url: Optional[AnyHttpUrl] = None class-attribute instance-attribute #

An optional external URL to the server, used to add clickable links to the servers on media detail pages.

If not defined, uses the internal URL to the instance.

enable_scan: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute #

Scan the server for existing media/request status.

It is recommended that this setting is enabled, so that users cannot submit requests for media which has already been requested or is already available.

Automatically search for media upon approval of a request.